THE GANG UNDER SIEGE–TUESDAY NIGHT ……..After this small incident with all the panic and disturbance it brought, the lights came back on a few minutes later. What I don’t know why does everything happens has to be a conspiracy theory? what will anyone gain from cutting down the power from a military facility, even if it was a resort,Continue reading “THE GANG UNDER SIEGE–TUESDAY NIGHT”

He was a boy “co-written with Passant EL Badrawy”

He was a boy His name was not important He was playing his toys So joyful and in contentment Along came his father whispered in his ears Come along son, time to be a man The child had no choice he had to obey his dad He threw away his toys and that made himContinue reading “He was a boy “co-written with Passant EL Badrawy””

Our inner child

As I traveled down the memory lane I found out no matter who we are or what we are, no matter what we do or whatever differences between us we are all driven by the same thing The child inside us or as it may be called “the inner child” You see yourself as aContinue reading “Our inner child”